Career Launcher Allahabad played host to the biggest conclave of B-Schools of India in recent times on 17th December 2010. The venue was Hotel Milan Palace, Civil Lines Allahabad and the event started at 10 a.m. and ended at 3 p.m. Organised to benefit thousands of students who have or would be taking the CAT/MAT/XLRI/SNAP Examinations etc. in 2010-2011, the event featured professors and alumni from prestigious B-Schools like Kelloggs, IIMs, XLRI etc. like Mr. Shymal Gupta, Mr. Sandeep Sharma, Dr. R. S. Singh, Mr. Rishabha Nayyar, Mr. Sreenivasan, Mr. J.D. Singh. etc. who gave a series of lectures on various management relevant topics like ‘MBA in recession’, 'Marketing as a Career', 'Tips for GD/PI', ‘Life in the Corporate world’, ‘MBA in 2011-12’, ‘Various Management Specializations’ etc. to encourage and ignite the young minds at the threshold of their careers. They also answered the queries of the students and guided them. They did one-on-one counselling to further enlighten the students. They gave requisite information to the students regarding the forms to be filled, based on their examination scores.
The event also showcased more than 30 B-Schools of India from Delhi, Greater Noida, Pune, Bangalore etc., like SRMS-IBS, GL-Bajaj, Accurate, DSPSR New Delhi, GIBM Pune, IBSAR Mumbai, Jaipuria Lucknow, GIIPM Noida, Alliance University Bengaluru, IWSB Noida to name just a few.
This was the first major event after the CAT/MAT examinations involving prestigious B-Schools this year. The overwhelming feedback was that such events went a long way in helping the students in realising their dreams and goals. This event was held under the able stewardship of Mr. Gaurav Agarwal, Head Panacea Group and Mr. Abhishek Srivastava, Joint Director Career Launcher and was conducted by Mr. Ajoy Chakraborty, Head Corporate Communications. The Center Head Career Launcher, Mr. Shashank Somvanshi further informed that an overwhelming number of students visited the Allahabad centre for registering themselves and collected their entry passes.